Winter Home Maintenance: Tips for Sellers

As winter approaches, sellers must ensure their homes are prepared to withstand the challenges of the cold season. In this blog, we’ll provide crucial guidance on how to get your property ready with essential winter home maintenance tasks.

Inspect Your Heating System

Before the chill sets in, have your winter-ready home’s heating system inspected by a professional. Ensure it’s in excellent working condition to keep your property warm and comfortable.

Seal Drafts and Gaps

Prevent heat loss and keep energy bills in check by sealing any drafts or gaps in doors, windows, and walls. This will help maintain a cozy indoor environment.

Clean Gutters

Ensure your gutters are free of debris to prevent clogs from organic matter like evergreen cones, evergreen needles and leaves.

Service Your Fireplace

If you have a fireplace, it’s time to have it cleaned and inspected. A well-maintained fireplace not only provides warmth but also adds a cozy ambiance to your home.

Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Safety is paramount during the winter months. Test and replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are in working order.

Prevent Frozen Pipes

Protect your plumbing by turning off water to exterior faucets and let residual water in pipes run out. This prevents pipes from freezing and bursting.

Inspect Your Roof

Check your roof for damaged shingles or leaks. Addressing roof issues promptly will prevent costly repairs and maintain your home’s integrity.

Store Outdoor Furniture

Store or cover outdoor furniture to protect it from winter elements. Proper storage prolongs the life of your furniture and keeps your outdoor space looking tidy.

Trim Tree Branches

Trim any overhanging tree branches near your home to prevent them from causing damage during winter storms.

By following these essential winter home maintenance tasks, you can ensure your home is well-prepared for the challenges of the upcoming winter season. Taking proactive steps now will not only enhance comfort but also help maintain the value of your property.

For more tips check out this Vancouver Sun article. Need some help? Call us, we know the best local trades and we would be happy to refer you! 604.230.9339