Faster Mortgage Repayment: 4 Strategies for North Vancouver Home Owners

Owning a home is a dream realized, but the weight of a hefty mortgage can be daunting. Explore effective ways for faster mortgage repayment and secure financial freedom faster in North Vancouver.

Accelerate Your Payments:

Switching from monthly to accelerated bi-weekly payments is a subtle yet impactful strategy. Transforming 12 monthly payments into 26 bi-weekly payments adds two extra payments annually, significantly hastening your mortgage reduction without feeling the pinch.

Increase Regular Payments:

Unlock flexibility within your mortgage terms by increasing regular payments by 10-25%. Some lenders even offer the option to double-up payments, ensuring that the surplus directly targets the principal amount, rather than servicing interest.

Lump-Sum Payments:

Injecting a lump sum—typically 10-25% of the original mortgage balance—provides an immediate dent in your mortgage. This option is ideal for windfalls or bonuses, lowering the principal and diminishing interest payments over the mortgage’s lifespan.

Regular Mortgage Reviews:

Consider an annual mortgage review as your compass in the dynamic financial landscape. While automatic payments offer convenience, an annual review led by an independent mortgage professional keeps you in control. This proactive approach ensures that you capitalize on market trends, potentially leading to refinancing opportunities that lower your overall borrowing costs. It’s a simple, no-cost assessment that brings peace of mind, ensuring your mortgage aligns seamlessly with your evolving financial goals. Empower yourself with knowledge, stay ahead, and make informed decisions about your mortgage for a journey toward sustained financial well-being.

Empower your journey to mortgage freedom in North Vancouver. Whether through accelerated payments, increased regular contributions, lump-sum payments, or regular reviews, taking proactive steps ensures a faster path to financial liberation.

Check out Sabeena Bubber’s blog for more info on faster mortgage repayment and to see her article on this topic. If you have questions about the buying or selling process, please connect with us. We love to hear from you!