
4 Ways to Access Your Home Equity

If you’ve been a homeowner for many years, it is likely your property value has increased significantly. One advantage of homeownership is the opportunity to build equity. Home equity growth, partnered with the security of living in your own home, is why most Canadians believe homeownership is the best choice for them!

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Credit and Mortgage Financing

Credit. The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that you will make payments in the future. When you borrow money to buy a property, you’ll be required to prove that you have a good history of managing your credit. That is, making good on all your payments.

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2021 Federal Election

Mortgage Professionals Canada’s continuing effort to represent our industry to government was rewarded in recent weeks as each of the federal Liberal, Conservative, and NDP parties reached out to us to discuss their housing policies, and their now published election platforms related to housing and affordability.

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Benefits of Working with an Independent Mortgage Professional

If you need a mortgage, working with an independent mortgage professional will save you money and provide you with better options than dealing with a single financial institution. And if that is the only sentence you read in this entire article, you already know all you need to know.

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