
Mortgage Options for Older Canadians

Although it’s ideal to have your mortgage paid off by the time you retire, that isn’t always possible in today’s economy. The cost of living is considerably higher than it has ever been, and as a result, many Canadians are putting off retirement, hoping to make just a bit more money to add to that nest egg.

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Protect Your Credit Through a Divorce

Divorces are challenging as there’s a lot to think about in a short amount of time, usually under pressure. And while handling finances is often at the forefront of the discussions related to the separation of assets, unfortunately, managing and maintaining personal credit can be swept aside to deal with later.

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Understanding your Employment Status

Chances are if you’re applying for a mortgage, you feel confident about the state of your current employment or your ability to find a similar position if you need to. However, your actual employment status probably means more to the lender than you might think. You see, to a lender, your employment status is a strong indicator of your employer’s commitment to your continued employment.

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