home office

Home Office Design & Productivity

As someone who’s been working from home for years, I’ve learned that your home office design can make a huge difference in your productivity levels. By making a few intentional changes to your workspace, you can create an environment that is both functional and inspiring. Here are a few design elements I suggest incorporating into your home office to increase productivity.

Clean and Clutter-Free Space

A neat and organized workspace can help improve focus and clarity, which lead to productive work sessions. Make sure you have a designated space that is free from distracting elements such as laundry piles or cluttered paperwork. Personally, this makes the most significant difference for me as often times your mind is distracted when there’s clutter or  unnecessary items are in your view line as your try to work.

Ergonomic Seating and Desk

Investing in comfortable and functional seating and desk setup can help reduce strain, fatigue, and discomfort. Consider choosing a chair with proper back and neck support and at a proper height for your desk! If you’re like me and often spend eight hours or more seated and working, I would highly recommend opting for a standing desk and ordering a very small and slim under desk treadmill that will allow you to take small steps as you work.

Natural Light

Natural daylight helps to improve alertness, boost mood, and prevent eye strain. Position your desk near a window for the best benefits, or consider adding in some extra light sources with task lamps or ambient lighting. I have positioned my desk directly in front of a large window and there has been significant improvement in my productivity and alertness throughout my work day!

Colour Psychology

Studies have shown that the colour of your workspace can impact your mood and productivity. Blue and green may promote calm and focus, while yellow can uplift and enhance creativity. Choose a colour scheme that aligns with your goals and working style. Click here to see a full breakdown on colour psychology if you’re in need of help selecting a tone for your home office – or other spaces!

Smart Storage

A well-organized storage system can help boost productivity by keeping clutter under control and reducing distractions. Consider investing in wall-mounted storage units, storage containers, or a filing cabinet to keep work essentials easily accessible.

By incorporating these design elements into your workspace, you can help improve productivity levels and create an environment that is both motivating and functional. It’s important to remember that every workspace is unique and the best home office design is one that fits with your own individual needs. Take the time to experiment with different design elements and find what works best for you and your productivity!