

Enhance Your Summer Garden

With summer being in full swing, it’s the perfect time to breathe new life into your garden. Adding vibrant flowers not only enhances the visual appeal but also brings joy and a sense of tranquility to your outdoor space. Today I’ll be exploring some beautiful flowers that thrive in the Vancouver climate and are readily available to elevate your summer garden experience.

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multigenerational living

5 Design Ideas for More Harmonious Multigenerational Living

The pandemic saw many American families with adult children share space temporarily, but the trend toward multigenerational living is here to stay. According to the Pew Research Institute, the number of cross-generational households in the United States has grown four times over since the 1970s. And in 2021, 18% of the population was living in a home with family members spanning generations.

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French country interior design

Ever heard of French country interior design? The French country style is a timeless look that’s associated with rustic homes and farmhouses. The best French country interiors have a homey feel, but they’re also comfortable, inviting, uncluttered and warm. Let’s dive into how you could achieve this look in your home!

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Guest Bedroom Design

Have you been considering updating your guest bedroom? This room needs to look nice and comfortable, but it should not be overly decorated or decorated in a specific style. You are going to be having people stay in this room quite often, so it’s important they feel comfortable while they’re there. Here are some tips and tricks on how to create an inviting space that will have your guests wanting more.

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