Selling a Home

BCFSA – What Is A Bully Offer?

But sometimes buyers wait for the seller’s offer presentation date, only to find out the property has been sold before the date arrives. How does this happen? It may be that the seller has accepted a pre-emptive offer – often referred to as a “bully” offer. These are offers that expire before the date and time set by the seller for offer presentation. While submitting or accepting a bully offer is not illegal, there are risks that buyers and sellers should be aware of.

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Election Housing Promises Destined to Fail Without Detailed Plans to Increase Supply

The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) is encouraged by the focus on housing affordability as a key priority in each of the major party’s platforms in the lead-up to September’s federal election. However, while parties pledge to build more homes and make purchasing easier, without detailed plans to quickly turn those promises into action that will increase supply, campaign promises will lead to municipal bottlenecks, failed policy and disappointed homebuyers. 

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Revamping Your Furniture

Is there a piece of furniture in your home that you’ve have been planning on DIY updating but just weren’t sure where to start? Revamping old furniture into a new and stylish pieces can be a great way to save money, and have some fun! But where to start? Keep reading to learn how to revamp your furniture like a pro.

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Upsizing In North Vancouver

Are you thinking of upsizing, but aren’t sure which North Shore neighbourhood to settle down in? Now more than ever, home buyers are looking for more square footage across the North Shore as well as more outdoor space. Whether you’re upsizing because you’ve transitioned to working from home, you’re raising a family, or simply want a larger space to settle down in, read this blog post to find some of my favourite listings!

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